Healthy Neighborhood Immersion StrategyKellyn's Healthy Neighborhood Immersion Strategy is a community-based collaborative initiative to Make the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice and to make living a healthy lifestyle the cultural norm. The strategy encompasses Kellyn's four main initiatives:
- Kellyn Food Access - Kellyn Kitchens - Kellyn Lifestyle Medicine - Kellyn Schools |
Watch Dr. Meagan Grega's TEDx LehighRiver talk
“Discontent is the First Necessity of Progress: Why Lifestyle is the BEST Medicine”. |
KELLYN FOOD ACCESSDelivering fresh, local healthy food from "Farm to Neighborhood", in combination with nutrition programming, cooking demos and chronic disease screening, the "Eat Real Food" mobile market is on the road... more
KELLYN KITCHENSIn our schools, organizations, and neighborhoods, Kellyn Kitchens uses local "Real Food" to educate, train, and encourage families to create healthy, delicious meals... more
KELLYN LIFESTYLE MEDICINEIntensive intervention programs that empower families to change to a healthier lifestyle with the guidance of a medical professional and ongoing group support... more
KELLYN SCHOOLSWorking in local school districts, Kellyn Schools educates our youth utilizing school gardens and fun, interactive classroom programming to encourage healthy lifestyle choices... more
Recent Notables:
February 20, 2024 Press Release - Meals on Wheels and Kellyn Foundation partner to provide medically tailored meals!
In the news, 2/19/2024 - Growing in numbers: Local farmers join coalition to address Lehigh Valley hunger. By Phil Gianficaro |
November 8, 2023 - Kellyn's Dr. Meagan Grega chairs an expert panel to issue a consensus statement raising awareness of the benefits of lifestyle medicine. Expert consensus statement defines best practices for integration of lifestyle medicine into primary care settings.