Lifestyle Medicine MealsLifestyle Medicine Meals, an initiative within Kellyn Kitchens, provides whole food, plant-based meals to support our client base, educational programs and promote healthy lifestyles. Executive Chef Amanda Grega aims to create phenomenally delicious menus every week that are packed with fiber, phytonutrients and protein while avoiding all animal products and added oils. Our recipes also have either none or only minimal amounts of salt and added sugar
Meet Chef AmandaFew things are as integral to our sense of belonging, our perception of place and our experience of memories as the aroma and taste of food. Chef Amanda developed a passion for culinary arts long before she could read a recipe or safely wield a knife, and the love of delicious food has been a constant thread throughout the tapestry of her life. In her role as Executive Chef of Kellyn Foundation, her goal is to help shift our taste buds to the healthier food options that will nourish our longevity and vitality while still being 100% delicious! To learn more about Chef Amanda, click here.